Having a sound mental health is really important for being able to focus and concentrate on your driving and make the right decisions.
Certain emotions such as feeling impatient, hurried, angry, upset, stressed, worried or depressed can cause distraction, cripple your judgment, and slow down your responses to hazardous driving situations:
Impatient and Rushed?
When you are impatient or rushed, you are in one of your worst states of mind for making decisions. Here are some common mistakes people make who are impatient and rushed:
If you are an impatient driver, learn to leave early and give yourself extra time to get where you want to go. This helps you get to your destination without any stress and anger.
Angry or Upset Drivers?
When you are angry or upset, you are extremely distracted and may not be able to concentrate on your driving. You also not going to be able to make a sound decision when you need to deal with a hazard or traffic situation.
If you are angry, annoyed or upset, find a safe place to pull over and try to relax and take a few deep breaths and think positive, happy thoughts or about people you love and make you feel happy. Once you are calm and in a positive mood, start driving again.
Stressed, Worried, Depressed?
When you are stressed, worried or depressed, your mind drifts away in a cloud of negative energy, and you cannot focus on your driving or making sound decisions. Focus on positive and happy thoughts about your favorite activity, or think about people in your life whom you love, and love you.
Having a happy, positive thoughts will give your brain and body the energy it needs to function normally.
The Right Attitude for Driving?
Having a good attitude while driving is an important aspect of driving safely.
People with bad attitudes do not care about the laws and health and safety of others. Sometimes they believe that they know better, and it is okay to break the laws.
People with bad attitude are risky drivers because they tend to:
If you feel that you may possess some of the qualities of a bad attitude driver, you can re-invent yourself by: