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What is Drug Addiction?

Drug addiction is a chronic brain disease that causes a person to have constant urges of wanting to do a drug.
It usually starts out with a person being misguided to use drugs without being informed of their consequences. Over time, drug use changes the brain's normal structure of how it functions and creates constant intense impulses of wanting to use.

Drug addiction can happen quickly even if someone only uses drugs occasionally, so avoiding drugs from the beginning is the best way to avoid addiction.
Once someone becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol, they will go through a lot of struggles in life and have to go through a lengthy process to get out of that lifestyle.
On many occasions, they end up returning to their addiction lifestyle due to their inability to resist their urges.

Physical dependency is one part of addiction. The user's body needs the alcohol or drug to function normally.
The amount of the substance the user needs increases over time. Psychological dependency is another component of addiction.
The user feels the need to use the drug and compulsively seeks it out in higher doses.

Withdrawal occurs when the user's body is no longer experiencing the dose of the drug to which they are addicted.
The body reacts harshly to not being supplied with its drug, and the user experiences extremely unpleasant symptoms.

People who are addicted to drugs or alcohol often face consequences such as:

  • Serious health issues
  • Mood swings
  • Violent or erratic behavior
  • Focusing only on satisfying the craving for drugs
  • Withdrawal when not using the drug
  • Loss of family relationships and friendships