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What are the right of Way Rules for Intersections

right-of-way traffic rule

Intersection without STOP or YIELD Signs

  • Yield to vehicles already in the intersection and drivers who arrive at the intersection before you.
  • If you arrive at an intersection at the same time as another driver, you should yield to the car on the right.

Four-way Stop Intersection

  • Yield to drivers at the intersection who have arrived before you.
  • When two vehicles arrive at a four-way stop simultaneously, the vehicle on the right should have the right of way.

Three-way Intersection (T-junction)

  • Drivers traveling on the through road have the right of way.
  • If you are approaching from the road that ends, you must yield to drivers on the through road.

Other Scenarios at an Intersection

  • If you arrive at an intersection, and you have a stop sign, but the other drivers at the crossroad do not have one, wait at the stop sign until traffic from the other road at the intersection is clear before proceeding to drive to the crossroad.

Making U-Turns or Left Turns on Two-Way Roads

  • Yield the right of way to oncoming vehicles, pedestrians, motorcyclists, and bicyclists.
  • Do not turn left or make a U-turn until it is safe to do so.

General Right of Way Rule for an Intersection

  • When you are driving and need to cross a road, exit an alley, or leave a parking space, you should always give the right of way to traffic on the road and pedestrians on the sidewalk. (21804 VC)